Tuesday 24 July 2012

Nicean Day With a Hint of Paris

Lovely, lovely day. So long to London weather, Tuesday I was awaken by a beautiful sunny morning. Once we were ready, Elliot and I went down to Cannes by bus to meet up with his friend Vanessa, and her brother JF, and the four of us set off by train to Nice.
We first walked through Old Nice, which is filled with windy roads, allies and little shops. I loved the old artesian bakery, filled with amazing looking marzipan and typical French cookies and candy.

Elliot took us to a little corner restaurant, where we would have a lunch of traditional Nicene food. 
I had really wanted to try Socca, a thin pancake, similar to a crepe, but made of chickpea flower, and slightly crispier around the edges. We ordered some of that, plus a pan bagnat: a huge sandwich filled with hard boiled egg, lettuce, tomato, onion and tuna, which you then season with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt, and finally Pissaladiere, a thin bread crust (similar to pizza) topped with caramelized onions and anchovies. 
We then picked up another friend, Lee, and walked up to the old castle of Nice. 
From there, you could practically see the whole city. It was really beautiful, as you can see. 
 After our long walk around the city, we took the train back to Cannes and Elliot and I went back home for dinner and a bit of freshening up. Not too long after, we were back in Vanessa and JF's hotel room, ready for a night out to, what I've heard, is one of the most popular clubs in the South of France; Le Palais.
We clearly were in a cool spot since Paris Hilton decided to come by and party a bit with us... I'll just say that she acts just like she does on TV.

The whole night was very exhausting, and very fun. What else can I say? 

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